Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Final, Final Socket

OK, folks, after much fitting, fabricating, testing, and tweaking, I have my final socket! And let me tell you, it was worth the wait. This socket is so much lighter than the first-final socket, which in its turn was so much lighter than the test socket. My knee is so happy! I believe my theory was correct, you know the theory in which my right leg essentially had a 4-pound weight strapped onto it while using the test socket and so I was strengthening the leg the entire time? And then the weight was reduced to something more like a 2-pound weight with the first-final socket. Now, this final-final socket feels as though it hardly weighs anything at all. As a matter of fact, the gel liner and knee sleeve together feel heavier than the socket. My knee feels good nearly all of the time. I can still over-do and end up with a sore knee, but that's just life.

First the gel liner and stocking go on
It fits!

Sliding into the new socket....
But, it is not finished yet. Dennis now goes back to work to make a cover for all of this, so I can look good in my dress when Duane takes me out to dinner..... although, I may be starting to embrace this whole socket-and-tube look.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Cate, I'm not sure if you received my previous message but I am a graphic designer at The O&P Edge Magazine here in Denver Colorado. I was wondering if we could get your permission to use your above photo that has the caption "First the gel liner and stocking go on." We are running a feature on Gel Liners and your photo would work really well. We'd be happy to give you and your blog photo credit in the magazine. Please let me know as soon as possible, as always, we are under deadline. You can check us out at www.oandp.com. We provide support and resources to the limb loss population. Thank you very much for your time, Heather S.
