Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day 3, Day 4, Day 5

January 28, 2013   I checked with Dennis on Monday and he agreed that it was good to give my knee a rest for a day, then to try the Venture foot. After a full day with the Venture foot, my knee is sore but not quite as sore as it was after using the Echelon foot. One additional suggestion that Dennis made was to try using the test socket and feet for a limited number of hours instead of for a full day.

Because of the difference in the length of the prosthesis with the Echelon vs. the Venture foot, we have played with foam shoe inserts to raise or lower my height as needed. The Echelon foot makes the prosthesis longer, so we take the inserts out of my right sneaker for that foot. With the Venture foot, we put the inserts back into the right shoe to allow for the shorter height.

January 29, 2013   On Tuesday, my knee is still too sore to wear the new socket so I will use my old prosthesis. The discomfort I have in my knee from the new socket is a posterior knee pain which mainly occurs on initial contact of my heel during gait. On Tuesday evening, I decide that I will start out Wednesday with my old prosthesis again and wear the new socket later in the day as Dennis suggested, trying to build up wearing time more gradually.

January 30, 2013   After a full day's activities of household duties, cooking, cleaning and homeschool, I notice that my knee and leg are feeling really good in the old prosthesis. I'm going to try out the new socket now. I put on the new socket with the Venture foot at about 5 o'clock and immediately notice that my gait is not as comfortable. Duane notices right away as well. Hmmmm. It feels like my right leg is too long. I do not have any inserts in my shoes at the moment. That is puzzling. All right, I try putting the foam insert into my LEFT shoe. Wow, that feels a lot better! Wearing the new socket with the Venture foot for the remainder of the evening feels pretty good. I think I'll try this again in the morning. Another point for the Venture foot.

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