Monday, February 11, 2013

Weekend Results...

I wore the new (test) prosthesis all day Friday and all day Saturday. Saturday evening Duane and I took the kids for a family swim at Finn's Swim School pool for some fun. I wore my I'm-not-sure-how-old-it-is swim leg that has been uncomfortable for a number of years - but, I have only the one prosthesis which is OK to wear in the water, so I deal with it. It usually causes me discomfort after wear. We had a really great time swimming with the kids, so it was worth it. Sunday, my knee was sore when I first put on the new prosthesis, but there was no worsening through the day. I was able to wear the new socket all day once again. No posterior knee pain. So, all in all, that's good news.

So, that brings us to another problem we are trying to solve, which is, what to do about a new swim leg. We are leaning towards using my current prosthesis. Why can I not simply swim without one? Well, I could. But then what do I do when I am not in the water and how do I help the kids? It's not practical for me. Using the current prosthesis makes the most sense, but I have to figure out how it will work. The swim leg I have now has holes which allow the water to escape, so that removal is not overly hampered by water-induced suction (that sounds technical, but even with the holes, the silly thing has been stuck on my leg before and it is not fun trying to get it off). Note to self: ask Dennis about that one.

Swim Leg

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